Chirp SonicLib  3.32.6
chirp_bsp.h File Reference

User-supplied board support package functions to interface Chirp SonicLib to a specific hardware platform. More...

#include <invn/soniclib/soniclib.h>

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void chbsp_board_init (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Main hardware initialization. More...
void chbsp_debug_off (uint8_t dbg_pin_num)
 Turn off a debug indicator pin. More...
void chbsp_debug_on (uint8_t dbg_pin_num)
 Turn on a debug indicator pin. More...
void chbsp_debug_toggle (uint8_t dbg_pin_num)
 Toggle a debug indicator pin. More...
void chbsp_delay_ms (uint32_t ms)
 Delay for specified number of milliseconds. More...
void chbsp_delay_us (uint32_t us)
 Delay for specified number of microseconds. More...
void chbsp_external_irq_handler (chdrv_transaction_t *trans)
 Interrupt handler callout for external devices sharing the SPI/I2C bus. More...
void chbsp_group_int1_clear (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Set the INT1 pins low for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_int1_interrupt_disable (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Disable INT1 interrupts for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_int1_interrupt_enable (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Enable INT1 interrupts for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_int1_set (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Set the INT1 pins high for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_int2_clear (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Set the INT2 pins as inactive for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_int2_interrupt_disable (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Disable INT2 interrupts for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_int2_interrupt_enable (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Enable INT2 interrupts for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_int2_set (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Set the INT2 pins high for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_set_int1_dir_in (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pins as inputs for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_set_int1_dir_out (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an output for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_set_int2_dir_in (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pins as inputs for a group of sensors. More...
void chbsp_group_set_int2_dir_out (ch_group_t *grp_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an output for a group of sensors. More...
uint8_t chbsp_i2c_get_info (ch_group_t *grp_ptr, uint8_t dev_num, ch_i2c_info_t *info_ptr)
 Return I2C information for a sensor port on the board. More...
int chbsp_i2c_init (void)
 Initialize the host's I2C hardware. More...
int chbsp_i2c_mem_read (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint16_t mem_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Read bytes from an I2C slave using memory addressing. More...
int chbsp_i2c_mem_read_nb (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint16_t mem_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Read bytes from an I2C slave using memory addressing, non-blocking. More...
int chbsp_i2c_mem_write (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint16_t mem_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Write bytes to an I2C slave using memory addressing. More...
int chbsp_i2c_mem_write_nb (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint16_t mem_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Write bytes to an I2C slave using memory addressing, non-blocking. More...
int chbsp_i2c_read (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Read bytes from an I2C slave. More...
int chbsp_i2c_read_nb (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Read bytes from an I2C slave, non-blocking. More...
void chbsp_i2c_reset (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Reset I2C bus associated with device. More...
int chbsp_i2c_write (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Write bytes to an I2C slave. More...
void chbsp_int1_clear (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Set the INT1 pin low for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_int1_interrupt_disable (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Disable the INT1 interrupt for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_int1_interrupt_enable (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Enable the INT1 interrupt for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_int1_set (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Set the INT1 pin high for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_int2_clear (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Set the INT2 pin as inactive for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_int2_interrupt_disable (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Disable the INT2 interrupt for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_int2_interrupt_enable (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Enable the INT2 interrupt for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_int2_set (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Set the INT2 pin high for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_led_off (uint8_t led_num)
 Turn off an LED on the board. More...
void chbsp_led_on (uint8_t led_num)
 Turn on an LED on the board. More...
void chbsp_led_toggle (uint8_t led_num)
 Toggle an LED on the board. More...
void chbsp_periodic_timer_change_period (uint32_t new_period_us)
 Change the period for interrupts. More...
void chbsp_periodic_timer_handler (void)
 Periodic timer handler. More...
uint8_t chbsp_periodic_timer_init (uint16_t interval_ms, ch_timer_callback_t callback_func_ptr)
 Initialize periodic timer. More...
void chbsp_periodic_timer_irq_disable (void)
 Disable periodic timer interrupt. More...
void chbsp_periodic_timer_irq_enable (void)
 Enable periodic timer interrupt. More...
uint8_t chbsp_periodic_timer_start (void)
 Start periodic timer. More...
uint8_t chbsp_periodic_timer_stop (void)
 Stop periodic timer. More...
void chbsp_print_str (char *str)
 Output a text string via serial interface. More...
void chbsp_proc_sleep (void)
 Put the processor into low-power sleep state. More...
void chbsp_program_disable (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Deassert the PROG pin. More...
void chbsp_program_enable (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Assert the PROG pin. More...
void chbsp_reset_assert (void)
 Assert the reset pin for all sensors. More...
void chbsp_reset_release (void)
 Deassert the reset pin for all sensors. More...
void chbsp_set_int1_dir_in (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an input for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_set_int1_dir_out (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an output for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_set_int2_dir_in (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an input for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_set_int2_dir_out (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an output for one sensor. More...
void chbsp_spi_cs_off (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 De-assert the SPI chip select line for a device. More...
void chbsp_spi_cs_on (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr)
 Assert the SPI chip select line for a device. More...
int chbsp_spi_mem_read_nb (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint16_t mem_addr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Read bytes from an SPI slave using memory addressing, non-blocking. More...
int chbsp_spi_read (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Read bytes from an SPI slave. More...
int chbsp_spi_write (ch_dev_t *dev_ptr, uint8_t *data, uint16_t num_bytes)
 Write bytes to an SPI slave. More...
uint32_t chbsp_timestamp_ms (void)
 Return a free-running counter value in milliseconds. More...

Detailed Description

User-supplied board support package functions to interface Chirp SonicLib to a specific hardware platform.

This file defines the I/O interfaces that allow the standard Chirp SonicLib sensor driver functions to manage one or more sensors on a specific hardware platform. These include functions to initialize and control the various I/O pins connecting the sensor to the host system, the SPI or I2C communications interface, timer functions, etc.

Typically, most of the functions in the BSP are implemented as "wrapper functions" for operations that are provided in the MCU vendor's I/O library. So, the BSP largely serves as a translation layer for most functions.

The board support package developer should not need to modify this header file. However, that developer is responsible for implementing these support functions for the hardware platform, using the interfaces defined here. Note that some functions are optional, depending on the specific runtime requirements (e.g. is non-blocking I/O required?) or development needs (e.g. is debugging support needed?).

All functions are marked as REQUIRED, RECOMMENDED, or OPTIONAL in their indvidual descriptions. "Recommended" functions are either not used directly by SonicLib (but may be expected by examples and other applications from Chirp) or are only required to support certain operating configurations (e.g. individual device triggering).
Some BSP functions are only used with a specific generation of Chirp Sensor, either the ICU family or the earlier CH101 & CH201 devices. The description of these functions will indicate which sensors are applicable. If not specified, the requirement applies equally to ICU and CH101/CH201 sensors.


The file organization for a BSP is intentionally very flexible, so that you may efficiently use existing code that supports your hardware or otherwise use your own organizing preferences.

Typically, the required BSP functions are placed in a file called chbsp_NNNN.c, where NNNN is the board name. For example, in the Chirp BSP for the Nucleo144 development board the main file is called chbsp_nucleo144.c, and in the BSP for the Chirp SmartSonic evaluation, it is called chbsp_chirp_smartsonic.c.

Sensor Interrupt Handling

In addition to providing the required chbsp_xxx() functions as described above, the BSP must also provide a routine to handle interrupts from the sensor. Because the handler routine is not referenced by SonicLib, it can have any name that fits your conventions.

All Chirp sensors use a level change on an interrupt line to indicate the completion of a measurement (data ready).

ICU family sensors have two different lines that may be used as the interrupt indicator, INT1 and INT2. Interrupt and trigger lines for ICU sensors are high when inactive, so the interrupt is indicated by a transition to a low level.

ICU sensors may be configured for either pulse mode or latching mode by calling the ch_set_interrupt_mode() function from the application. In pulse mode, the sensor will indicate an interrupt by briefly (~800ns) bringing the line low then returning it to a high level. In latching mode, the sensor will bring the line low and the interrupt handler in the BSP is responsible for resetting the line to a high (inactive) level. By default, ICU sensors use latching mode.

ICU sensors also use the interrupt line for various other events in addition to data ready. The interrupt type will be passed to the application's callback routine when an interrupt occurs.

CH101 and CH201 sensors have a single interrupt line that is normally used only for data ready interrupts. The line is low when inactive, so the interrupt consists of a brief high pulse. CH101/CH201 sensors always use "INT1" routines and interfaces.

Notifying SonicLib that a Sensor Interrupt Occurred

The BSP's handler routine that detects that a sensor interrupt has occurred (typically to indicate completion of a measurement) must notify SonicLib by calling ch_interrupt(). The ch_interrupt() function takes two parameters, a pointer to the ch_group_t descriptor for the group containing the interrupting sensor, and the device number within the group.

The sensor will be examined by SonicLib to determine the interrupt type. Then, the application's callback routine that was registered using ch_io_int_callback_set() will be called to notify the application. The interrupt type will be passed to the appliction callback routine.

All this processing takes place in the context of the BSP interrupt handler.

Non-blocking I/O Notification

If non-blocking I/O is used, the BSP's handler functions which processes the completion of an I/O operation must notify SonicLib that the I/O has completed by calling the ch_io_notify() function. The group pointer and SPI/I2C bus number must be passed as parameters to identify which I/O channel has finished.

Required chirp_board_config.h Header File

The board support package must supply a header file called chirp_board_config.h containing definitions of two symbols used in the SonicLib driver functions.

The chirp_board_config.h file must be in the C pre-processor include path when you build your application with SonicLib.

The following symbols must be defined in chirp_board_config.h:

Special Symbols

The following symbols are optional and normally not required. If defined, they allow special handling in SonicLib for certain hardware configurations or limitations.

Implementation Hints

Most of the required functions take a pointer to a ch_dev_t device descriptor structure as a handle to identify the sensor being controlled. The ch_dev_t structure contains various fields with configuration and operating state information for the device. In general, these values may be obtained using various ch_get_XXX() functions provided by the SonicLib API, so it should not be necessary to access fields directly.

Some functions take a pointer to a ch_group_t (sensor group descriptor) structure as a parameter but must operate on individual sensors. These functions can be implemented using the ch_get_dev_ptr() function to access the ch_dev_t structure describing each individual sensor in the group, based on its device number (I/O index value). The total number of possible sensor devices in a group may be obtained by using the ch_get_num_ports() function.

Similarly, each sensor's ch_dev_t structure contains a dev_num field that may be used to manage the pin assignments for the various sensors, by using it as an index into individual arrays which list the pins assigned to the PROG, INT, and RESET_N lines. The dev_num value for a sensor may be obtained using the ch_get_dev_num() function.

Often, an action should only be taken on a sensor port if a sensor is present and has been successfully initialized and connected. The ch_sensor_is_connected() function can be used to obtain the connection status.

These functions are often used together to implement a board support routine, as in the following pseudo-code which shows how to perform an action on all connected devices in a group. This snippet assumes that a sensor group pointer (ch_group_t *) called grp_ptr is an input parameter to the function:

ch_dev_t *dev_ptr;
uint8_t   dev_num;

for (dev_num = 0; dev_num < ch_get_num_ports(grp_ptr); dev_num++ {

    dev_ptr = ch_get_dev_ptr(grp_ptr, dev_num);

    if (ch_sensor_is_connected(dev_ptr)) {


The dev_num value for each device is specified by the user application as a parameter to ch_init().

Example board support packages that implement the chirp_bsp.h functions are available from Chirp Microsystems for specific platforms. Contact Chirp for more information.

Function Documentation

◆ chbsp_board_init()

void chbsp_board_init ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Main hardware initialization.

This function executes the required hardware initialization sequence for the board being used. This includes clock, memory, and processor setup as well as any special handling that is needed. This function is called at the beginning of an application, as the first operation.

Along with the actual hardware initialization, this function must also initialize the following fields within the ch_group_t sensor group descriptor:

  • num_ports = number of sensor ports (possible connections) on the board. This is usually the same as CHIRP_MAX_DEVICES in chirp_board_config.h.
  • num_buses = number of I/O buses on the board, usually the same as CHIRP_NUM_BUSES in chirp_board_config.h.
  • rtc_cal_pulse_ms = length (duration) of the "pulse" sent on the INT line to each sensor during calibration of the real-time clock. For ICU sensors, there are actually two low pulses, separated by this interval. For CH101/CH201 sensors, there is a single high pulse with this duration. A typical value of this field is 100ms, but it can be adjusted to suit your system contraints.

Discovering If a Sensor Is Present

Often, during initialization the BSP needs to determine which sensor ports (possible connections) actually have a sensor attached. Here is a short sequence you can use to confirm if a Chirp sensor is alive and communicating by reading two signature byte values from the device using SPI/I2C.

ICU Sensors

ICU sensors (based on the Shasta architecture) contain a multi-byte "CPU ID" value that may be read over SPI. The two most signficant bytes will always contain a standard value that can be read to confirm that an ICU sensor is present.

  • Using SPI, read two bytes from debug register SHASTA_DBG_REG_CPU_ID_HI (0x0001):
      uint16_t command = (SPI_CMD_DBG_REG_READ | SHASTA_DBG_REG_CPU_ID_HI);
      uint8_t  cmd_buf[3];
      cmd_buf[0] = (command & 0x00FF);            // LSB
      cmd_buf[1] = ((command & 0xFF00) >> 8);     // MSB
      cmd_buf[2] = 0;                             // required dummy byte
      // *** Assert SPI chip select for device
      // *** Write 3 cmd_buf bytes to device via spi
      // *** Read 2 bytes from device
      // *** De-assert SPI chip select for device
  • If an ICU sensor is present, the read value will be SHASTA_CPU_ID_HI_VALUE (0x2041).
CH101 & CH201 Sensors

This sequence applies to CH101 and CH201 devices using an I2C interface.

A couple key points:

  • The initial I2C address for all CH101 and CH201 sensors is CH_I2C_ADDR_PROG (0x45). This address is used during initialization and programming. Once the device is programmed, a different I2C address is assigned for normal operation.
  • A device will only respond to this programming address (0x45) if its PROG line is asserted (active high).

So, the overall sequence should be:

  1. Power on board and device, initialize I2C bus.
  2. Assert the PROG line for the sensor port to be tested (active high).
  3. Perform a two-byte I2C register read from the device from this location:
    • I2C address = CH_I2C_ADDR_PROG (0x45)
    • Register address/offset = 0x00
  4. Check the byte values that were read from the device. If a Chirp sensor is present, the returned bytes should be:
    • CH_SIG_BYTE_0 (hex value 0x0A)
    • CH_SIG_BYTE_1 (hex value 0x02)
  5. De-assert the PROG line for the sensor port.

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_debug_off()

void chbsp_debug_off ( uint8_t  dbg_pin_num)

Turn off a debug indicator pin.

dbg_pin_numindex value for debug pin to turn off

This function should drive the the specified debug indicator pin low. The dbg_pin_num parameter is an index value that specifies which debug pin should be controlled.

This function is OPTIONAL.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for debugging support. The indicator pins may be any convenient GPIO signals on the host system. They are only used to provide a detectable indication of the program execution for debugging. If used, the debug pin(s) must be initialized during chbsp_board_init().

◆ chbsp_debug_on()

void chbsp_debug_on ( uint8_t  dbg_pin_num)

Turn on a debug indicator pin.

dbg_pin_numindex value for debug pin to turn on

This function should drive the specified debug indicator pin high. The dbg_pin_num parameter is an index value that specifies which debug pin should be controlled.

This function is OPTIONAL.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for debugging support. The indicator pins may be any convenient GPIO signals on the host system. They are only used to provide a detectable indication of the program execution for debugging. If used, the debug pin(s) must be initialized during chbsp_board_init().

◆ chbsp_debug_toggle()

void chbsp_debug_toggle ( uint8_t  dbg_pin_num)

Toggle a debug indicator pin.

dbg_pin_numindex value for debug pin to toggle

This function should change the state (high/low) of the specified debug indicator pin. The dbg_pin_num parameter is an index value that specifies which debug pin should be controlled.

This function is OPTIONAL.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for debugging support. The indicator pins may be any convenient GPIO signals on the host system. They are only used to provide a detectable indication of the program execution for debugging. If used, the debug pin(s) must be initialized during chbsp_board_init().

◆ chbsp_delay_ms()

void chbsp_delay_ms ( uint32_t  ms)

Delay for specified number of milliseconds.

msnumber of milliseconds to delay before returning

This function should wait for the specified number of milliseconds before returning to the caller.

This function is REQUIRED.

This function is used during the ch_group_start() function to control the length of the calibration pulse sent to the Chirp sensor device during the real-time clock (RTC) calibration, based on the pulse length specified in the board support package. The accuracy of this pulse timing will directly affect the accuracy of the range values calculated by the sensor.

◆ chbsp_delay_us()

void chbsp_delay_us ( uint32_t  us)

Delay for specified number of microseconds.

usnumber of microseconds to delay before returning

This function should wait for the specified number of microseconds before returning to the caller.

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_external_irq_handler()

void chbsp_external_irq_handler ( chdrv_transaction_t trans)

Interrupt handler callout for external devices sharing the SPI/I2C bus.

transpointer to Chirp sensor transaction control structure

This function is called when a non-blocking SPI/I2C operation completes on an "external" (non Chirp sensor) device. The chbsp_external_queue() function should be called to add such a transaction to the SPI/I2C queue.

This function is OPTIONAL.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed if devices other than the Chirp sensor(s) are operating on the same SPI/I2C bus and sharing the Chirp driver non-blocking SPI/I2C I/O mechanism.

◆ chbsp_group_int1_clear()

void chbsp_group_int1_clear ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Set the INT1 pins low for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should drive the INT1 line low for each sensor in the group.

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_group_int1_interrupt_disable()

void chbsp_group_int1_interrupt_disable ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Disable INT1 interrupts for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

For each sensor in the group, this function should disable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT1 line.

  • This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_group_int1_interrupt_enable()

void chbsp_group_int1_interrupt_enable ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Enable INT1 interrupts for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

For each sensor in the group, this function should enable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT1 line.

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_group_int1_set()

void chbsp_group_int1_set ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Set the INT1 pins high for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should drive the INT1 line high for each sensor in the group.

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_group_int2_clear()

void chbsp_group_int2_clear ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Set the INT2 pins as inactive for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should drive the INT2 line low for each sensor in the group.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

OPTIONAL - This function is only needed if the INT2 line is used for triggering ICU sensors.

◆ chbsp_group_int2_interrupt_disable()

void chbsp_group_int2_interrupt_disable ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Disable INT2 interrupts for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

For each sensor in the group, this function should disable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT2 line.

  • This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_group_int2_interrupt_enable()

void chbsp_group_int2_interrupt_enable ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Enable INT2 interrupts for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

For each sensor in the group, this function should enable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT2 line.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_group_int2_set()

void chbsp_group_int2_set ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Set the INT2 pins high for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should drive the INT2 line high for each sensor in the group.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_group_set_int1_dir_in()

void chbsp_group_set_int1_dir_in ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pins as inputs for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should configure each Chirp sensor's INT1 pin as an input (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_group_set_int1_dir_out()

void chbsp_group_set_int1_dir_out ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an output for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should configure each Chirp sensor's INT1 pin as an output (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_group_set_int2_dir_in()

void chbsp_group_set_int2_dir_in ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pins as inputs for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should configure each Chirp sensor's INT2 pin as an input (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_group_set_int2_dir_out()

void chbsp_group_set_int2_dir_out ( ch_group_t grp_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an output for a group of sensors.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors

This function should configure each Chirp sensor's INT2 pin as an output (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_i2c_get_info()

uint8_t chbsp_i2c_get_info ( ch_group_t grp_ptr,
uint8_t  dev_num,
ch_i2c_info_t info_ptr 

Return I2C information for a sensor port on the board.

grp_ptrpointer to the ch_group_t config structure for a group of sensors
dev_numdevice number within sensor group
info_ptrpointer to structure to be filled with I2C config values
0 if successful, 1 if error

This function is called by SonicLib functions to obtain I2C operating parameters for a specific device on the board.

This function returns I2C values in the ch_i2c_info_t structure specified by info_ptr. The structure includes three fields.

  • The address field contains the I2C address for the sensor.
  • The bus_num field contains the I2C bus number (index).
  • The drv_flags field contains various bit flags through which the BSP can inform SonicLib driver functions to perform specific actions during I2C I/O operations. The possible flags include:
  • - I2C_DRV_FLAG_RESET_AFTER_NB - the I2C interface needs to be reset after non-blocking transfers
  • - I2C_DRV_FLAG_USE_PROG_NB - use high-speed programming interface for non-blocking transfers

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

◆ chbsp_i2c_init()

int chbsp_i2c_init ( void  )

Initialize the host's I2C hardware.

0 if successful, 1 on error

This function should perform general I2C initialization on the host system. This includes both hardware initialization and setting up any necessary software structures. Upon successful return from this routine, the system should be ready to perform I/O operations such as chbsp_i2c_read() and chbsp_i2c_write().

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

◆ chbsp_i2c_mem_read()

int chbsp_i2c_mem_read ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint16_t  mem_addr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Read bytes from an I2C slave using memory addressing.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
mem_addrinternal memory or register address within device
datapointer to receive data buffer
num_bytesnumber of bytes to read
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should read the specified number of bytes from an I2C slave device, using an internal memory or register address. The remote device will return num_bytes bytes starting at internal memory/register address mem_addr.

The I2C interface must have already been initialized using chbsp_i2c_init().

There are two distinct phases to the transfer. First, the register address must be written to the sensor, then a read operation must be done to obtain the data. (Note that the byte count does not have to be sent to the device during a read operation, unlike in chbsp_i2c_mem_write()).)

The preferred way to do this is with a repeated-start operation, in which the write phase is followed by another I2C Start condition (rather than a Stop) and then the read operation begins immediately. This prevents another device on the bus from getting control between the write and read phases. Many micro-controller I/O libraries include dedicated I2C functions to perform just such an operation for writing registers.

When using the repeated start, the overall sequence looks like this:

Write phase | Read Phase |
I2C START I2C Addr mem_addr I2C START I2C Addr + read bit *data *(data + 1) *(data + 2) etc... I2C STOP

If the repeated-start technique is not used, it is possible to read from the sensor using separate, sequential I2C write and read operations. In this case, the sequence is much the same, except that the write phase is ended by an I2C Stop condition, then an I2C Start is issued to begin the read phase. However, this may be a problem if more than one bus master is present, because the bus is not held between the two phases.

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

Implementations of this function should use the ch_get_i2c_address() function to obtain the device I2C address.

◆ chbsp_i2c_mem_read_nb()

int chbsp_i2c_mem_read_nb ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint16_t  mem_addr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Read bytes from an I2C slave using memory addressing, non-blocking.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
mem_addrinternal memory or register address within device
datapointer to receive data buffer
num_bytesnumber of bytes to read
0 if successful, 1 on error

This function should initiate a non-blocking read of the specified number of bytes from an I2C slave. The I2C interface must have already been initialized using chbsp_i2c_init().

This function is OPTIONAL for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed if non-blocking I/Q readout is required.

◆ chbsp_i2c_mem_write()

int chbsp_i2c_mem_write ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint16_t  mem_addr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Write bytes to an I2C slave using memory addressing.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
mem_addrinternal memory or register address within device
datadata to be transmitted
num_byteslength of data to be transmitted
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should write one or more bytes of data to an I2C slave device using an internal memory or register address. The remote device will write num_bytes bytes of data starting at internal memory/register address mem_addr. The I2C interface will have already been initialized using chbsp_i2c_init().

The chbsp_i2c_mem_write() function is basically a standard I2C data write, except that the destination register address and the number of bytes being written must be included, like a header.

The byte sequence being sent should look like the following:

0 1 2 3 4 5 etc...
I2C Addr mem_addr num_bytes *data *(data + 1) *(data + 2) ...

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

Implementations of this function should use the ch_get_i2c_address() function to obtain the device I2C address.

◆ chbsp_i2c_mem_write_nb()

int chbsp_i2c_mem_write_nb ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint16_t  mem_addr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Write bytes to an I2C slave using memory addressing, non-blocking.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
mem_addrinternal memory or register address within device
datapointer to the start of data to be transmitted
num_byteslength of data to be transmitted
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should initiate a non-blocking write of the specified number of bytes to an I2C slave device, using an internal memory or register address. The remote device will write num_bytes bytes of data starting at internal memory/register address mem_addr.

The I2C interface must have already been initialized using chbsp_i2c_init().

The byte sequence being sent should look like the following:

0 1 2 3 4 5 etc...
I2C Addr mem_addr num_bytes *data *(data + 1) *(data + 2) ...

This function is OPTIONAL for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed if non-blocking writes on the I2C bus are required. It is not called by SonicLib functions. To perform a blocking write, see chbsp_i2c_mem_write().
Implementations of this function should use the ch_get_i2c_address() function to obtain the device I2C address.

◆ chbsp_i2c_read()

int chbsp_i2c_read ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Read bytes from an I2C slave.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
datapointer to receive data buffer
num_bytesnumber of bytes to read
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should read the specified number of bytes from an I2C slave device. The I2C interface must have already been initialized using chbsp_i2c_init().

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

Implementations of this function should use the ch_get_i2c_address() function to obtain the device I2C address.

◆ chbsp_i2c_read_nb()

int chbsp_i2c_read_nb ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Read bytes from an I2C slave, non-blocking.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
datapointer to receive data buffer
num_bytesnumber of bytes to read
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should initiate a non-blocking read of the specified number of bytes from an I2C slave.

The I2C interface must have already been initialized using chbsp_i2c_init().

This function is OPTIONAL for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed if non-blocking I/Q readout is required.
Implementations of this function should use the ch_get_i2c_address() function to obtain the device I2C address.

◆ chbsp_i2c_reset()

void chbsp_i2c_reset ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Reset I2C bus associated with device.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should perform a reset of the I2C interface for the specified device.

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

◆ chbsp_i2c_write()

int chbsp_i2c_write ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Write bytes to an I2C slave.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
datadata to be transmitted
num_byteslength of data to be transmitted
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should write one or more bytes of data to an I2C slave device. The I2C interface will have already been initialized using chbsp_i2c_init().

Implementations of this function should use the ch_get_i2c_address() function to obtain the device I2C address.

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

◆ chbsp_int1_clear()

void chbsp_int1_clear ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Set the INT1 pin low for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should drive the INT1 line low for the specified sensor.

RECOMMENDED - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for individual sensor hardware triggering using ch_trigger(). It is not required if sensors are only triggered as a group using ch_group_trigger().

◆ chbsp_int1_interrupt_disable()

void chbsp_int1_interrupt_disable ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Disable the INT1 interrupt for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should disable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT1 line.

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_int1_interrupt_enable()

void chbsp_int1_interrupt_enable ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Enable the INT1 interrupt for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should enable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT1 line.

This function is REQUIRED.

◆ chbsp_int1_set()

void chbsp_int1_set ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Set the INT1 pin high for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should drive the INT1 line high for the specified sensor.

This function is OPTIONAL.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for individual sensor hardware triggering using ch_trigger(). It is not required if sensors are only triggered as a group using ch_group_trigger().

◆ chbsp_int2_clear()

void chbsp_int2_clear ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Set the INT2 pin as inactive for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should drive the INT2 line low for the specified sensor.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for individual sensor hardware triggering using ch_trigger() when INT2 is configured as the trigger pin. It is not required if sensors are only triggered as a group using ch_group_trigger().

◆ chbsp_int2_interrupt_disable()

void chbsp_int2_interrupt_disable ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Disable the INT2 interrupt for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should disable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT2 line.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_int2_interrupt_enable()

void chbsp_int2_interrupt_enable ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Enable the INT2 interrupt for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should enable the host interrupt associated with the Chirp sensor device's INT2 line.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_int2_set()

void chbsp_int2_set ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Set the INT2 pin high for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should drive the INT2 line high for the specified sensor.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for individual sensor hardware triggering using ch_trigger() when INT2 is configured as the trigger pin. It is not required if sensors are only triggered as a group using ch_group_trigger().

◆ chbsp_led_off()

void chbsp_led_off ( uint8_t  led_num)

Turn off an LED on the board.

This function turns off an LED on the board. The implementation of this function is flexible to allow for different numbers and arrangements of LEDs.

The led_num parameter specifies which LED on the board should be turned off.

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This function is not called by SonicLib functions, so it is not required. However, it is used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_led_on()

void chbsp_led_on ( uint8_t  led_num)

Turn on an LED on the board.

This function turns on an LED on the board. The implementation of this function is flexible to allow for different numbers and arrangements of LEDs.

The led_num parameter specifies which LED on the board should be turned on.

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This function is not called by SonicLib functions, so it is not required. However, it is used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_led_toggle()

void chbsp_led_toggle ( uint8_t  led_num)

Toggle an LED on the board.

This function toggles an LED on the board. It changes the on/off state from whatever it currently is. The implementation of this function is flexible to allow for different arrangements of LEDs.

The led_num parameter specifies which LED on the board should be toggled.

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This function is not called by SonicLib functions, so it is not required. However, it is used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_periodic_timer_change_period()

void chbsp_periodic_timer_change_period ( uint32_t  new_period_us)

Change the period for interrupts.

new_period_usthe new timer interval, in microseconds

This function changes the period of the periodic timer.

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This and other periodic timer functions are not called by SonicLib functions, so are not required. However, they are used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_periodic_timer_handler()

void chbsp_periodic_timer_handler ( void  )

Periodic timer handler.

0 if successful, 1 if error

This function handles the expiration of the periodic timer, re-arms it and any associated interrupts for the next interval, and calls the callback routine that was registered using chbsp_periodic_timer_init().

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This and other periodic timer functions are not called by SonicLib functions, so are not required. However, they are used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_periodic_timer_init()

uint8_t chbsp_periodic_timer_init ( uint16_t  interval_ms,
ch_timer_callback_t  callback_func_ptr 

Initialize periodic timer.

interval_mstimer interval, in milliseconds
callback_func_ptraddress of routine to be called every time the timer expires
0 if successful, 1 if error

This function initializes a periodic timer on the board. The timer should be programmed to generate an interrupt after every interval_ms milliseconds.

The callback_func_ptr parameter specifies a callback routine that will be called when the timer expires (and interrupt occurs). The timer interrupt handler function within the board support package should call this function.

The period timer is often used to trigger sensor measurement cycles by having the application's callback function call ch_trigger() or ch_group_trigger().

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This and other periodic timer functions are not called by SonicLib functions, so are not required. However, they are used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_periodic_timer_irq_disable()

void chbsp_periodic_timer_irq_disable ( void  )

Disable periodic timer interrupt.

This function enables the interrupt associated with the periodic timer initialized by chbsp_periodic_timer_init().

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This and other periodic timer functions are not called by SonicLib functions, so are not required. However, they are used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_periodic_timer_irq_enable()

void chbsp_periodic_timer_irq_enable ( void  )

Enable periodic timer interrupt.

This function enables the interrupt associated with the periodic timer initialized by chbsp_periodic_timer_init().

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This and other periodic timer functions are not called by SonicLib functions, so are not required. However, they are used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_periodic_timer_start()

uint8_t chbsp_periodic_timer_start ( void  )

Start periodic timer.

0 if successful, 1 if error

This function starts the periodic timer initialized by chbsp_periodic_timer_init().

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This and other periodic timer functions are not called by SonicLib functions, so are not required. However, they are used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_periodic_timer_stop()

uint8_t chbsp_periodic_timer_stop ( void  )

Stop periodic timer.

0 if successful, 1 if error

This function stops the periodic timer initialized by chbsp_periodic_timer_init().

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This and other periodic timer functions are not called by SonicLib functions, so are not required. However, they are used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_print_str()

void chbsp_print_str ( char *  str)

Output a text string via serial interface.

strpointer to a string of characters to be output

This function should print debug information to the console. The user can implement this function to print characters over a serial port, for example.

In the Chirp SonicLib sensor driver, debug message output may be enabled by defining CHDRV_DEBUG and/or CHDRV_DEBUG_VERBOSE.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed for debugging support.

◆ chbsp_proc_sleep()

void chbsp_proc_sleep ( void  )

Put the processor into low-power sleep state.

This function puts the host processor (MCU) into a low-power sleep mode, to conserve energy. The sleep state should be selected such that interrupts associated with the SPI/I2C external GPIO pins, and the periodic timer (if used) are able to wake up the device.

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - This function is not called by SonicLib functions, so it is not required. However, it is used in examples and other applications from Chirp.

◆ chbsp_program_disable()

void chbsp_program_disable ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Deassert the PROG pin.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should drive the Chirp sensor PROG pin low for the specified device.

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

◆ chbsp_program_enable()

void chbsp_program_enable ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Assert the PROG pin.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should drive the Chirp sensor PROG pin high for the specified device. It is used by the driver to initiate I2C communication with a specific Chirp sensor device before a unique I2C address is assigned to the device or when the programming interface is used.

When the PROG pin is asserted, the device will respond to the standard programming I2C address (0x45).

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used for ICU sensors.

◆ chbsp_reset_assert()

void chbsp_reset_assert ( void  )

Assert the reset pin for all sensors.

This function should drive the Chirp sensor reset pin low (assert RESET_N) on all sensors.

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used with ICU sensors, which do not have a reset pin.

◆ chbsp_reset_release()

void chbsp_reset_release ( void  )

Deassert the reset pin for all sensors.

This function should drive the Chirp sensor reset pin high (or open drain if there is a pull-up) on all sensors.

This function is REQUIRED for CH101 and CH201 sensors. It is not used with ICU sensors, which do not have a reset pin.

◆ chbsp_set_int1_dir_in()

void chbsp_set_int1_dir_in ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an input for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an input (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - Implementing this function is optional and is only required if individual sensor hardware triggering is used. It is not required if the sensors are operated only in free-running mode, or if they are only triggered as a group, using ch_group_trigger(). However, implementing this function is required if sensors will be triggered individually, using ch_trigger().

◆ chbsp_set_int1_dir_out()

void chbsp_set_int1_dir_out ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an output for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should configure the Chirp sensor INT1 pin as an output (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is RECOMMENDED.

RECOMMENDED - Implementing this function is optional and is only required if individual sensor hardware triggering is used. It is not required if the sensors are operated only in free-running mode, or if they are always triggered as a group, using ch_group_trigger(). However, implementing this function is required if sensors will be triggered individually, using ch_trigger().

◆ chbsp_set_int2_dir_in()

void chbsp_set_int2_dir_in ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an input for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an input (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and is only required if individual sensor hardware triggering using INT2 is used. It is not required if the sensors are operated only in free-running mode, if only INT1 is used, or if they are always triggered as a group, using ch_group_trigger(). However, implementing this function is required if sensors will be triggered individually, using ch_trigger().

◆ chbsp_set_int2_dir_out()

void chbsp_set_int2_dir_out ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an output for one sensor.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function should configure the Chirp sensor INT2 pin as an output (from the perspective of the host system).

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

RECOMMENDED - Implementing this function is optional and is only required if individual sensor hardware triggering using INT2 is used. It is not required if the sensors are operated only in free-running mode, if only INT1 is used, or if they are always triggered as a group, using ch_group_trigger(). However, implementing this function is required if sensors will be triggered individually, using ch_trigger().

◆ chbsp_spi_cs_off()

void chbsp_spi_cs_off ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

De-assert the SPI chip select line for a device.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function is REQUIRED for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_spi_cs_on()

void chbsp_spi_cs_on ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr)

Assert the SPI chip select line for a device.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor

This function is REQUIRED for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_spi_mem_read_nb()

int chbsp_spi_mem_read_nb ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint16_t  mem_addr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Read bytes from an SPI slave using memory addressing, non-blocking.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
mem_addrinternal memory or register address within device
datapointer to receive data buffer
num_bytesnumber of bytes to read
0 if successful, 1 on error

This function should initiate a non-blocking read of the specified number of bytes from an SPI slave.

This function is OPTIONAL for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

OPTIONAL - Implementing this function is optional and only needed if non-blocking I/Q readout is required.

◆ chbsp_spi_read()

int chbsp_spi_read ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Read bytes from an SPI slave.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
datapointer to receive data buffer
num_bytesnumber of bytes to read
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should read the specified number of bytes from an SPI slave device.

This function is REQUIRED for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_spi_write()

int chbsp_spi_write ( ch_dev_t dev_ptr,
uint8_t *  data,
uint16_t  num_bytes 

Write bytes to an SPI slave.

dev_ptrpointer to the ch_dev_t config structure for a sensor
datadata to be transmitted
num_byteslength of data to be transmitted
0 if successful, 1 on error or NACK

This function should write one or more bytes of data to an SPI slave device.

This function is REQUIRED for ICU sensors. It is not used for CH101 or CH201 sensors.

◆ chbsp_timestamp_ms()

uint32_t chbsp_timestamp_ms ( void  )

Return a free-running counter value in milliseconds.

a 32-bit free-running counter value in milliseconds

This function should use a running timer to provide an updated timestamp, in milliseconds, when called.

If CHDRV_DEBUG is defined, this function is used too by the SonicLib driver to calculate elapsed times for various operations.

This function is REQUIRED for ICU and CH101/CH201 sensors.